
Terms And Conditions

Terms And Conditions

Now let’s go through the general terms and conditions of the company.

  • Confidential information shall mean any information disclosed by one party to the other party, in any form including without limitation documents, business plans, source code, and software, technical / financial / marketing.
  • The customer shall own right on the title and interest too. This is a very vital point and should always be remembered.
  • Neither party shall be in any way responsible for any failure or delay in fulfilling the terms of this Agreement due to circumstances like fire, strike, war, civil unrest, terrorist action, government regulations, or act of Nature or other causes which are absolutely unavoidable in any situation.
  • The parties can disclaim all warranties of any kind, implied, statutory, or in any communication between them, including without limitation, the implied warranties of merchantability, non-infringement, title, and fitness for a particular purpose.
  • The parties can disclaim all warranties of any kind, implied, statutory, or in any communication between them, including without limitation, the implied warranties of merchantability, non-infringement, title, and fitness for a particular purpose.
  • The Agreement shall constitute the complete agreement between the parties respecting the subject matter. The said agreement will not be changed or amended at any cost by the parties. Once it is done it is final. It can be said that most of the agreement comes to an end due to the difference of opinion or other attitudes. There should be a mutual understanding between the parties in an agreement.

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